Frank Zappa Vol 1 & Vol 2
Flowers Edit

1990 ?
vol 1: 48 pp, hardcover, 30 x 21,5 cm
vol 2: 41 pp, hardcover, 30 x 21,5 cm
Polish and Czech, English, French, German, Russian

Rare Polish self-published fan book about Frank Zappa. A compendium of press cuttings from Poland and several other European countries, in two hardcover volumes. Issued probably in 1990 (date of the latest clipping) in 50 numbered copies. Both volumes contain also a musical postcard with one Frank Zappa song.

Specifications of these books (from eBay):

Original Poland fan book about Frank Zappa
Frank Zappa vol 1 Flowers edit
48 pages. b/w - articles, photos, interviews from various magazines
Limited edition flex 118 EF 20/50 stamp on side one and handwritten #
including a little flower thing
10 x10 cm tonepostcard plays "Dirty Love" comes in a small envelope with the same stamp and # as the book

Poland fan book about Frank Zappa
Frank Zappa vol 2 Flowers edit
48 pages. b/w - articles, photos, interviews from various magazines
Limited edition flex 121 EF 17/50 stamp on side one and handwritten #
including a little flower thing
8x12 cm tonepostcard plays "Camarillo Brillo" comes in a small envelope with the same stamp and # as the book

More detailed description (slime.oofytv.set):

Books are professionally bound with heavy canvas covered boards and the inside folio pocket ... many articles photocopied from various magazines, a few different grades of paper in each book [newsprint, white bond, 1 glossy page in v2 as a blank last page, no publishers info or dates

frank zappa vol 1 flowers edit
- 30 x 21.5 cm blue cover, gold embossed letters, nothing on back or spine
- 48 [hand] numbered pages including 3 double-sided, the rest single sided
- stamp on inside facing cover page is LIM. EDIT. FLEX. 118 EF 37/50

- inside cover folio contains one polish flexidisc postcard in a stamped envelope ...
picture of the LOT building in Bydgoszcz, Poland
[issued by the office of the regional headquarters, 1954 or 1955]

stamp on the back; dirty love

frank zappa vol 2 flowers edit
- 30 x 21.5 cm off-white cover, gold embossed letters, nothing on back or spine
- 41 non-numbered pages including 2 double-sided, the rest single sided
- stamp on inside facing cover page is LIM. EDIT. FLEX. 121 EF 5/50

- inside cover folio contains one polish flexidisc postcard in a stamped envelope ...
picture of Antonio Pirri - Madonna and Child,Antonio-Pirri-Madonna-z-Dzieciatkiem.html

stamp on the back; camarillo brillo

v1 of content:
rock & folk 06-80
downbeat 10-69
jazz [poland] n7 1978
melodie n11 1967
rock & folk 02-82
melodie n7 1969
zielony sztandar [poland] 13.2.80
music shop [germany] 02-87
jazz [poland] n6 1977
russian mag with life 08-1988 article in russian
tip 1987
neues leben [east germany]
panorama [poland]
club [bremen] 1988
stern 27.8.87
sztandar mlodych [poland] n100 1974
non-stop n7 1989

v2 of content:
16 nme articles from 72 & 73
la dauphine libere [austria] 15 jeville 1980
rock & folk 1978
jazz [poland] n11 1971
jazz [poland] n10 1973
non-stop n6 1990
non-stop n10 1989
svet v obrazeh n8 1990
popular [czech] 05-89
music life [russia] 13/88

Two copies of this book are known, both purchased from eBay. The only difference between these copies is that vol 1 has in both cases "Dirty Love" on the postcard, but the postcards itself are different (see pictures below).

One consequence here is that Polish musical postcards, even when the print-run is very small (50), can have multiple different base postcards with continuous numbering.

A lot of Polish musical postcards with Frank Zappa music are described in The Torchum Never Stops, vol.4, pp 617-619, including "Camarillo Brillo" and excluding "Dirty Love". Another good source is Polish Flexi-Disc Postcards (and general article on Polish postcards in Goldmine). But most of the sources talk about Polpress postcards and very little is known about Flower musical cards. We have seen in the web Flower postcards with music of different artists, like Neil Diamond and Jethro Tull.

That is all we know now and we can't find no further information about the Flower itself. Any additional information is appreciated and please leave your comments here or write to afka at


v1 cover
v1 inside
v1 p 14
v1 p 15
v1 p 45
v1 p 46
v1 p 47
v2 cover
v2 jazz 10-73
v2 last page

v1 flexi

#37 envelope
#37 front
#37 back
#20 envelope
#20 front
#20 back

v2 flexi

#5 envelope
#5 front
#5 back

source: slime.oofytv.set, rj