Legendary Drummer: Terry Bozzio
レジェンダリー・ドラマー 特集●テリー・ボジオ
Shinko Music Mook <シンコー・ミュージック・ムック>

Shinko Music Entertainment 
2020 December 21
ISBN 978-4-401-64809-2
160 pp, paperback, 30 x 21 cm

The "Shinko Music Mook" series is published by Shinko Music Entertainment, which is the publisher of Music Life, The Dig and Young Guitar.


  • 音楽家、テリー・ボジオの道程1(フォト・ギャラリー)
    Terry Bozzio's Journey as a Musician #1: Photo Gallery
  • 音楽家、テリー・ボジオの道程2(取り下ろしインタビューPart.1)
    Terry Bozzio's Journey as a Musician #2: The Exclusive Interview Part.1
    pp. 34-40
  • ザッパ・バンド1976年来日時レア・ショット集
    The Rare Photo Collection of the Zappa band in Japan, 1976
    pp. 41-47
  • 様々なアーティスト達との思い出
    Memories with Various Artists
    pp. 55-69
  • 比類なき創造性が昇華した関連作品群
    Discography: the Sublimation of the Unparalleled Creativity
    pp. 73-124

TAN Mitsugu:

This 160-page special issue was published to commemorate Terry Bozzio's 70th birthday, featuring an exclusive interview, his comprehensive discography, and the detailed specs on his drum sets.

It's also worth checking out for Zappa fans, because a lot of previously-unreleased photos from FZ's 1976 Japanese tour are featured for 7 pages. And during the interview, Terry misses the late Uchida Yuya (the infamous Japanese singer/actor who promoted FZ's Japanese tour) and reveals the origin of Dong Work For Yuda:

"I have an interesting story. [Uchida] Yuya had a bodyguard named "Gon", and Frank had a huge Afro-American bodyguard named Bald-Headed John [Smothers]. John did a lot of things that he shouldn't have done in Japan.... In fact, he did a lot of things that he shouldn't have done in each and every country [laughs], but it wasn't because he was a bad guy, it was just because he was ignorant. It was like, insisting "Give me a hamburger!" in Europe, where there were no hamburgers. That kind of stupid things. While touring in Japan, John overheard Frank talking to someone and asked Frank, "You mean Don work for Yuta?" He should have said, "You mean Gon works for Yuya?" That's how the song "Dong Work For Yuda" came about. Later on the European tour, we were in a taxi and heard a Cab Calloway song, which led us to come up with the phrase "Dong Work for Yuda, Dong, Dong" along to it."

And he also tells some David Bowie stories, which include an episode after FZ's show in Berlin:

"I met David Bowie for the first time when I was spending my last year with Frank Zappa's band. I heard that whenever Frank played a concert in Berlin, Bowie would come to see the show. I was so excited to see him that I went back to the dressing room, changed my clothes, calmed down and went to the room where they were. When I introduced myself, saying "I'm Terry Bozzio, the drummer," he said, "Oh, you're very energetic," and then turned away and started talking to someone else. That got me a little disappointed.

"We all went out to dinner that night, and after a few beers, David said something provocative when talking with Frank about music, and they got into a bit of an argument. I was shocked and did not sleep well that night. When I met Frank the next morning, he said, "Can you believe that guy was such an asshole?""  


Shinko Music

pp 2-3
p 14
pp 24-25
p 47
p 56
p 160