interviews met componisten & andere verhalen
Deuss Music
2016 February 3
ISBN 9789 0824 0890 4
700 pp, hardback, 22 x 14 cm

Music editor
Press release:
In more than 100 chapters [129], Erik Voermans interviews the most important contemporary composers or discusses their music. From Andriessen to Zappa, from Boulez to Xenakis and from Einaudi to Jacob TV. The dilemmas, riddles and problems confronting the composers and how they each arrive at their own solution are discussed. With humor, surprise, precision and personal outpourings, Voermans advocates contemporary composed music. Paul van der Steen's drawings are equally narrative, witty and striking. The book also shows a changing picture of the time: how the role of the public became more important and how aesthetics developed from deep intellectualism to direct experience.
Press release
Cultural Press
Maarten Brandt