The original Ryko Japan Broadway the Hard Way CD from 1989 came with English booklet and Japanese book. The CD was manufactured in USA and exported to Japan. The book was made in Japan and is sometimes available as a separate item.
- 23 pages of lyrics translation
- 15 page FZ interview [Q & Z]
- 27 pages of Q & A with references back to the tracks on the album, probably discussions of the material covered in the lyrics
- 12-page article by 4 Norwegians
- 16-page discussion by 5 Japanese
- 9 pages of '88 tour info
- the last page is the drawing
It's not entirely correct to call it a Japanese CD, as it's American made, but it's intended for the Japanese market: it comes with a 110-page booklet and obi. The front and back cover of the booklet have Cal Schenkel artwork. It's almost entirely in Japanese; a few pages are in English. For example, it lists how many times each song was played on the tour.
CD came with different obi strips: