
AU or Apuntes Universitarios (University Notes) was a free monthly magazine of Colegio Mayor Chaminade, Madrid. Founded as Apuntes Universitarios in 1969, from issue #13 known as AU. Ceased in 1974. (fortunecity/pachi2)
AU was essentially a music magazine edited by students and people from radio Popular FM.

1973 October

No. 18


Textos: Frank Zappa
By Frank Zappa, 1 p

Lo que hemos visto este verano en Europa
By Gonzalo Garcíapelayo, pp 14-15

Spanish translation of "Who Needs the Peace Corps?", "Mom & Dad". "What's the Ugliest Part of Your Body?" and "Flower Punk" by Adrian Vogel.

Also includes a small article about the show on September 14 of FZ &the Mothers in London by Gonzalo Garcíapelayo.

Source: Javier Marcote