Good Times


German bimonthly covering music from the 60s, 70s and 80s related rock & pop + some country, soul, blues etc. Both articles & record reviews are worth your time. (rojaro)

2004 April/May

No. 2 Issue 69

Das Allround-Genie
By Philipp Roser, pp 8-10, 12-15
Frank Zappa: Hot Rats
By Hans-Jürgen Günther, p 68

2016 October/November

No. 5 Issue 144

Mischwesen - mit Rock für Machos
By Jens-Uwe Berndt, pp 92-93

Article on Punky Meadows' band Angel.

2020 February/March

No. 1 Issue 164

Frank Zappa: The Hot Rats Sessions
By Alexander Neumann, p 83

2020 August/September

No. 4 Issue 167

Frank Zappa: The Mothers 1970
By Jörg Palitzsch, p 74

2020 December / 2021 January

No. 6 Issue 169

Bis zum Excess
By Jörg Palitzsch, pp 70-71
Frank Zappas frühe Jahre im Laurel Canyon
By Thomas Morawitzky, pp 72-73

Profile and article on Pauline Butcher's book Freak Out.

2021 August / September

No. 4 Issue 173

Ein Schlagzeuger in den Archiven des Meisters
(The drummer in the master's vault)
By Thomas Morawitzky, p 20
Zappa '88: The Last U.S. Show
By Thomas Morawitzky, p 89

2023 December / 2024 January

No. 6 Issue 187

Frank Zappa pp 12-19
   Rebellische Berge, imaginärer Kot und bizarre Musik
(Rebellious mountains, imaginary excrement and bizarre music)
Interview with Peter Görs by Jens-Uwe Berndt, pp 12-16
   Interview 1988: Handel treiben statt streiten
(Interview 1988: Trading instead of arguing)
   Parodien: Spott, Hommage und ganz viel Humor
(Parodies: mockery, homage and lots of humor)
Robert Martin & Fido Plays Zappa
By Thomas Morawitzky, p 108

Source: Václav Pěnkava