Grand Guitars


Grand Guitars (or grand gtrs) is a German bimonthly glossy magazine for guitarists, founded in 2006 and published by PNP Verlag.

2014 July / August

No. 4


Auf Franks Spuren (On Frank's Tracks)
By Alexander Heimbrecht, pp 56-58

Phantom Guitars are hand-made guitars from Cologne, Germany. ZG is their guitar featured in Grand Guitars – a remake of Frank Zappa's Gibson "Phoenix" SG, he played 1975-1979 (ZG by Phantom Guitars).

Source: Vitaly Zaremba


2016 January / February

No. 1


Konsens ist Nonsens (Consensus is nonsense)
By Michael Loesl, pp 125-128

2017 July / August

No. 4


Der Name der Psychose (The name of the psychosis)
By Michael Loesl, pp 110-113

2020 January / February

No. 1


Geburtsstunde des Jazzrock (Birth of Jazz Rock)
Zum 50. Jubiläum von Frank Zappas „Hot Rats“
By Michael Loesl, pp 70-71




2021 July / August

No. 4


Once upon a time in America
Was Frank Zappa seinen Landsleuten hinterließ
(What Frank Zappa left to his compatriots)
By Max A. Mazing, pp 84-85