Ifjúsági Magazin


The main forums of popular music journalism during the Kádár-era [Communist era] – before or after 1972 alike – were the three major nationwide youth magazines: Magyar Ifjúság (Hungarian Youth), Ifjúsági Magazin (Youth Magazine) and Világ Ifjúsága (Youth of the World). (Popular Music in Eastern Europe: Breaking the Cold War Paradigm)
Ifjúsági Magazin was launched in November 1965, and for decades it was the favorite reading of Hungarian teenagers. Ceased in 1989. ISSN 0536-1818

1980 June

Vol. 16 No. 6


... és ami mögötte van (...and what lies behind it)
By ?, p 55

 Some Zappa's statements translated from Musicians Only, January 26, 1980.

Source: adt.arcanum.com


1981 May

Vol. 17 No. 5


A rockzene fenegyereke (A rock scene genius)
By Alain Dister, p 31

 The foreword of the Alain Dister's book Frank Zappa et les Mothers of Invention translated by Péter Tardos.

Source: adt.arcanum.com


1983 January

Vol. 19 No. 1


Rockföldröl jelentem (Reporting from Rockland)
By Péter Tardos, p 31

Popkesergö (Pop lament)
By ?, p 59

  [1] Article on "second generation" - Julian Lennon, Moon Zappa etc. 

[2] Automatic translation: Pop music has found itself in catastrophic economic conditions. The most important record labels, CBS, Warner and Columbia, are in crisis. It's also a fact that business is also extremely bad for those at the top of the hit list - Genesis, Chicago, Frank Zappa, Clash, Elton John, Blondie. it is a competitive maneuver, as confirmed by the New York Times, which is far from being read by a pop audience. The newspaper's respected music critic wrote in mid-August: "We have reached the end of an era." The explanation is remarkable. Those who didn't buy the not-at-all-cheap discs and cassettes are now spending their money on much more interesting video games instead. If they want to get their hands on the latest recording of their favorites, they can get it really cheap at the mushrooming record rental companies. And today's hi-fi technology is already capable of a perfect copy. The circle is closed. At least from a business perspective.

Source: adt.arcanum.com


1983 February

Vol. 19 No. 2


Házmester és a húsvéti borravaló (Housekeeper and the Easter tip)
Interview by János Zoltán, p 56

 Automatic translation: One of the apostles of rock music, the American Frank Zappa, is hardly known in our country. The rock books and encyclopedias deal with him, but we could not see or hear him live, and his records rarely reach us. Back home, he was labeled a "rock freak", and there were sporadic news and rumors about his eccentric behavior. The picture is more accurate if we say that Oh the Great Renewal. After several days of searching and calling in London, we managed to arrange a meeting with him through an agency. The interview took place at his hotel in Pentonville during his European concert tour. Previously, he had stipulated that we could not make a picture or sound recording of him, and as a dedication, he only engraved his name in stringy letters on two album covers. (read more)

Source: adt.arcanum.com