International Herald Tribune
In 2002, The New York Times Company took control of the International Herald Tribune, which was subtitled since then The Global Edition of the New York Times. On October 15, 2013, the paper was renamed The International New York Times, and in October 2016, it was fully integrated with its parent and renamed The New York Times International Edition. Autumn that year also saw the closing of editing and preproduction operations in the Paris newsroom, where the paper, under its various names, had been headquartered since 1887. (wikipedia)
Frank Zappa is on the road alone. He has been here since New Year’s Eve without his rock band, road crew, personal manager and bodyguard, which means he has to carry his own money, hail cabs, make his own appointments and call his bank to make sure the musicians are paid. (read more)
Out of perversion, boredom, pomposity, an attempt to live up to their quirky names, or just plain orneriness inherited from their brilliant but volatile father Frank, Ahmet and Dweezil Zappa had assumed what can be described, only slightly oversimplified, as a spoiled-rich-kid stance. Precociously scrambled buffoonery makes a deceptively easy target. Beware. They shoot back. (read more)