1983 January Vol. 1 No. 4The Zappas On Video Games By Susin Shapiro, pp 32-35
JOYSTIK: Why did you consent to this interview? FRANK: Because I don't have anything against video games and I do have something against people who keep kids from playing them. JOYSTIK: Do you ever play them? FRANK: No, but I love to listen to them. I like rooms full of that sound. It's a very interesting environment. When I was coming back from my European tour I had a layover in New York. I went into the video-game room at the airport and walked around with a tape recorder, recording the whole room going at once. Then I listened to it on earphones on the plane home. It was great. But I'm not interested in "plooking" buttons and blowing things up. JOYSTIK: Do you think it fritters away quarters that could be better spent elsewhere? FRANK: No, it's entertainment, and you have to pay for it. You just have to decide if the quarter you spend on a video game is worth the amount of fun you get out of it. (read more) 