

Cinematographic studies biannual magazine issued by the Cinemaforum L'Atalante (sponsored by the University of Valencia, Spain).

2012 July-December

No. 14


La culture del videoclip y el cine como respuesta: las películas de Frank Zappa en la revolución conservadora
By Manuel de la Fuente Soler, pp 28-35

Coraje y acción social. Entrevista con Tony Palmer
By Manuel de la Fuente Soler & Barry Pennock-Speck, pp 74-85


Manuel de la Fuente writes an article about Zappa movies versus the conservative movements in political society, later interview with Barry Pennock to Tony Palmer ( only a little bit on Zappa ).
At the end of the magazine there is a little abstract in English.

Source: Javier Marcote