

Merkheft is a free monthly magazine of the edition Zweitausendeins. Started in 1974.

2011 January

No. 239

70 Jahre Frank Zappa.
"Ein hartes, komisches und liebevolles Portrait."
p 9

On page 9 is a short overview article and the reprint of Barry Miles' Zappa is announced.


2011 March

No. 241

"Hart, komisch, liebevoll:" Barry Miles' Zappa-Biografie. Ein Bestseller. Nur bei uns.
p 5

Edition Zweitausendeins has his own popularity Top 10.  In February was Zappa by Miles number 5, in March already number 1!

Source: slime.oofytv.set


2011 April

No. 242

"Hart, komisch, liebevoll:" Barry Miles' Zappa-Biografie. Ein Bestseller. Nur bei uns.
p 135

Zappa by Miles is still number 1. 


2011 June

No. 244

Zappa. Die Biografie von Barry Miles. Nur bei uns.
p 9

Source: slime.oofytv.set