Music Box


Music Box was a quarterly professional publication for musicians. Founded in 1995 by guitarist Andrey Bolshakov. This publication lasted until 2013, in total 67 issues were printed. After the break, with another edition and publisher 4 issues more were printed in 2014 and 2015. Music Box was an interesting publication based on original articles and interviews, not on translations.


No. 3 Issue 8


Frank Zappa: Новая Венская Школа (New Viennese School)
By Alexander Goncharov (Александр Гончаров), pp 44-49





No. 1 Issue 70


Chad Wackerman: Я просто обязан был стать барабанщиком (I just had to become a drummer)
By Vsevolod Baronin

This is part of the interview which was published on the now defunct site Full interview was available only in print version.