Music Monitor


The Record Exchange was a chain of record stores in North Carolina and Virginia. In 1989 they launched the Music Monitor, a national magazine which led to the creation of the biggest coalition of independent record stores in the USA. The VP of Marketing of The Record Exchange, Michael Kurz, founded later in 2007 the Record Store Day. (Michael Kurz)

1990 September

No. 16


Frank Zappa on Rock of the 60s and the '90s ...
By Rob Chepesiuk, pp 1, 3

The rock legend has been outspoken on a number of issues โ€“ the environment, voter apathy, censorship, for example โ€“ and is considered one of music's most witty, articulate spokesmen. In 1988 the Libertarian Party asked Frank Zappa to run on its ticket as a Vice Presidential candidate, but he declined. I recently interviewed Frank Zappa at his Swiss Chalet-like borne in the Hollywood Hills. (read more)

Source: slime.oofytv.set