

Songwriter Magazine was founded by Len Latimer in October, 1975. Some back issues are still available at

1980 June

Vol. 5 No. 9


Totally Frank
By Barry Alfonso, pp 28-30, 33

Songwriter: Many people have been saying that rock music is experiencing a resurgence right now. Are you listening to what's going on and do you like what you're hearing?

Zappa: When I go to New York, I spend most of my time in a place called the Mudd Club (a New Wave rock showcase) and hear what's current there. Outside of the time I'm on the road traveling or going to discos to do research, I don't listen to the radio or anything else. Most of what I hear at the Mudd Club is probably not indicative of what's heard anywhere else in the United States. I think the scene there is really great. It's really musically healthy and I enjoy it. (read more)

Source: slime.oofytv.set