Haver Producties
2020 November 20
ISBN 978 90 821095 3 5
460 pp, paperback, 24 x 16 cm

Co de Cloet
Musician, composer, producer,
radio personality
Frank & Co, by Co de Kloet, contains 460 pages of unique material about Frank Zappa, based on over 25 hours of tape recorded between 1977 and 1990.
Co de Kloet and Frank Zappa were friends for many years. Co, a Zappa music expert, recorded nearly every conversation. The two men also corresponded frequently. This unique material, which has never been published before as a book, is now available. However, Frank & Co is more than a book about Zappa’s music. It also includes Co’s favorite memories of Frank as well as interviews about Zappa with, among others, Flo & Eddie, Jimmy Carl Black and Pamela Zarubica.
This book is a limited printing of 250 numbered copies.
Table of contents
- Foreword by Dweezil Zappa7
- Prelude to the afternoon of writing a book11
- 1973 Take-off on radio 12
- 1974 Gaining status in high school 15
- 1975 Collecting 16
- 1976 Napoleon 17
- 1977 The first interview18
- 1978 Fuck you, Captain Tom! 26
- 1979 Olive? 27
- 1980 Working for Zappa 48
- 1981 Dangerous precedents 63
- 1982 Rubio & Vai 64
- 1983 TV Glotzer 71
- 1984 It can’t happen here 72
- 1985 Old master 148
- 1986 Partners 150
- 1987 Master Nagano 158
- 1988 Genius with horns 170
- 1989 By the way 174
- 1990 Supplement 176
- 1991 Hello teenage Amerika 297
- 1992 The yellow shark 299
- 1993 Cup of cawfee 301
- Postlude 311
- 2000 Holland Festival 312
- 2006 Who could imagine? 317
- 2011/2012 Link your mind 397
- 2016/2017 DZOF 399
- 2019 Essence 403
- New friends 404
- The crew 405
- Semi-fraudulent bonus track 407
- – I have a cat – 408
- Introduction 409
- – I have a cat – part one 412
- – I have a cat – part two 427
- Finale 439
- plus The Galleria, 20 pages of pictures
Co de Kloet talks about his new book, "Zappa & Co"
- Co de Kloet / Frank & Co
Review by idiotbastard
Review by Hugh
Fielder in Classic Rock
Review by Mark Paytress in
Review in Soundz
Review in Mania
Source: Javier Marcote
Jawbone Press
2022 February 2
ISBN 978-1-911036-81-4
336 pp, paperback, 21 x 15 cm
This is the 2nd edition of this book. Printed in UK for a broader market, not with the limited print-run anymore. The main update is the added foreword by Dweezil Zappa.
Review by Dave Mandl in The Wire