Daily Variety
Variety is an American magazine founded by Sime Silverman
in New York City in 1905 as a weekly newspaper reporting on
theater and vaudeville. In 1933, Daily Variety was
launched, based in Los Angeles, to cover the motion-picture
industry. Daily Variey was published until 2013. (wikipedia)
The Mothers of Invention pulled a musical about-face during the four-show concert weekend (13,14) at the Fillmore East, N.Y. The event, which drew 8,410 people for a $37,988 gross, also marked the Youngbloods' overdue return to Gotham after a two-year Frisco hiatus, and a second visit by brassy Chicago. (read more)
Source: Cleveland Public Library Digital Gallery
Judgment of $2,050,405.96 was asked by entertainer Frank Zappa and Intercontinental Absurdities Ltd., in Federal Court suit filed Friday (7) against American Talent International Ltd., in breach of contract action. (read more)
Source: eBay