1967 July 16
Vol. 18 No. 877
Claudia prende in giro l'America
By ??, photos by Richard Avedon, pp 32-37
Claudia Cardinale was in California to make a movie and met protesting students, housewives in supermarkets, Hells Angels and members of some anonymous band. Pictures from the same sessions were published later in October 1967 in US magazine Cavalier – "Claudia Cardinale on the California pop circuit". This time Zappa and Mothers were mentioned.
J.Marcote: In an excusive interview to the magazine Interviu 1979 FZ mentioned
"De la noche a la mañana se empezó a valorar la música.
¡Si hasta el London Times me pidió que posara junto a Claudia
Cardinale para una fotografía! -- cuenta Zappa en sus memorias
de los primeros años --. Sé que querríais que os explicara alguna
aventurilla pos-fotografía, pero no hay que comprometer el buen
nombre de una dama italiana."
"From overnight the music began to be assessed. Even the London Times asked
me for to pose together with Claudia Cardinale for a photograph,
says Zappa remembering his first years. I know you would like
I tell you some post-photography affair, but there is nothing
to compromise the good name of an Italian Lady."
In zapinfrance.free.fr is written:
"Le départ d'Elliot Ingber (celui qui refile ses bottes à Claudia Cardinale le temps d'une scance photo) oblige FZ à assumer seul le rôle de guitariste..."
departure of Elliot Ingber (who offered his boots to Claudia
Cardinale for a photo session) requires FZ to be the only guitarist
Indeed. Here is the photo by Alain Dister from August 1966 (taken from Urban Gwerder's book Im Zeichen des magischen Affen) with Elliot Ingber on the foreground. Now in Epoca you can see Claudia is wearing Elliot's boots. And Elliot himself is barefoot...
These pictures were partly republished in:
- Cavalier, October 1967, USA
- Suosikki, October 1967, Finland
- SE, December 1967, Sweden