Reclam, Stuttgart
2010 November 15
ISBN 978-3-15-018811-8
200 pp, paperback, 15 x 9,5 cm
"Unquestionable Frank Zappa was one of the most irritating persons in pop music: a thrilling character of calculated phantasy and at the same time of anarchistic appearance, but always with ambition to the great classic composition, self-centered and affected by mistrust, as band leader admired and similarly dreaded - and always a workaholic. Ingo Meyer' book is illuminating all facets of this exciting personality."
This book is a very small and cheap pocketbook, but it can freely be a normal sized hardcover book. The text is serious. This book has its own meaning and value and is not just a simple copy-and-paste from other Zappa biographies.
Free delivery worldwide - Frank Zappa @ Book Depository, incl. interview with I. Meyer
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