Short article on page 3 and photo on page 16, related to Hagstrom guitars ad campaign. More on this campaign read at
Merson's 'Invention'
Radio Spot Clicking (page 3)
NEW YORK—A radio promotion campaign by Merson Musical Products Corporation has met with thumping success, according to company officials.
The effort, in cooperation with stations WOR-FM, New York;
WFIL, Philadelphia and WRKO, Boston, featured a one-minute commercial
using the music of Verve Records' Mothers of Invention with
a message from the group`s leader, Frank Zappa. The message
invited listeners to write the station for a full-size poster
of the combo and information about the Hagstrom guitar
line, which is used by the Mothers.
Post cards informed the listener that he could pick up his free poster at his nearest Hagstrom dealer, whose name and address were printed on the card.
To date, there have been some 15,000 responses, and dealers throughout the promotion program area say that many of these have become customers.
Merson vice-president Bernard Mersky said this program is the first in a series of Merson consumer-oriented promotion programs. The program was launched a few months ago and will run at least a few more months, Mersky said.
on page 16
FRANK ZAPPA, leader of Verve's Mothers of Invention, is seen with Bernard Mersky, vice-president, Merson Musical Products, with whom the artist has just signed a promotion and advertising contract. Merson distributes the Unicord line of amps, guitars, combo organs and other pop musical merchandise.
Zappa feels that a link exists between music and art today.
He spoke of the trend in modern art known as concept art, and
added that some people in pop music today relate to this concept.
As an illustration he played an electronic composition using
sounds outside the frequency of human hearing. He also used
selections from the Columbia album, "The World of Harry Partch."
Partch writes music of 32 tones to the octave. Zappa also played
various other examples of electronic music, including a record
utilizing sound made by a gong and a balloon. Still another
was a recording of electronically modified sounds of German
children playing. (read
Page 2: Zappa Suing 2 Magazines
LOS ANGELES - Frank Zappa is suing Playboy and Esquire for $4 million, changing an unauthorized likeness of the Mothers of Invention leader appeared in a psychedelic-type illustration collage for a Dexter Funky Shoes ad which ran in both magazines November, 1970.
The suit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court stated that the misleading implication Zappa was endorsing the shoes had irreparably damaged his reputation and right for privacy.
Page 53: Fillmore East - June 1971 ad.
Source: slime.oofytv.set
Zappa has finally made the movie he's been trying to get off
the ground for years. "200 Motels" features the spectacularly
far-out electronic visual effects possible with Technicolor's
videotape-to-film Vidtronics process ... colors flowing into
each other as a scene progresses and sudden dissolves of the
characters into geometric forms. (read
ANGELES—Noel Redding, former Jimi Hendrix bassist, has filed
suit against Frank Zappa for $25,000 and medical expenses in
Superior Court here. The suit stems from a fall Redding took
on an exterior staircase at Zappa's home while a guest there
in Sept. l97l.
Redding's claim alleges that Zappa and his household negligently
maintained a hazardous condition on an improperly lit staircase
with an insufficient handrail. The suit states that Redding
has been unable to work since the injuries from his fall.
Next week, June 24, Billboard had the following message:
Redding on Motown LOS ANGELES—Noel Redding, former Jimi Hendrix bassist, has recovered from his fall at Frank Zappa’s home and is completing a Motown album with his new trio, Road. The trio includes session drummer Leslie Sampson and former Rare Earth lead guitarist Rod Richard. Album is being produced by Tom Wilson.
Source: twitter
Zappa's concerts are far from being predictable, and his Aug.
16 set lived up to that standard admirably. Faced with an overly
agitated audience that rudely accorded show opener Tom Waits
— a fine, up-and-coming artist — nary an ear, Zappa extolled
the crowd's "sophistication," and made them wait 15 minutes
while the band tuned. Then he stated pointedly: "We're not going
to try to impress you. After all this is L.A. We'll start with
'Cosmik Debris' and work our way down."
If Zappa taught a sly lesson in manners, he did equally well with the show itself. "Cosmik Debris" marked the beginning of an evening's excellent entertainment. Zappa and the current Mothers Of Invention: George Duke, keyboards and vocals; Ruth Underwood, percussion and vibes; Napoleon Murphy Brock, sax and vocals; Tom Fowler, bass, and Chester Thompson, drums, twisted and turned through seemingly impossible passages, displaying a quality of musicianship rarely shown nowadays.
Zappa hammed it up for the audience with tongue-in-cheek commentary and the tunes, including "Pygmy Twilight," "Stink-Foot," "Idiot Bastard Son" and "Montana," lacked none of the vitality often discarded by the wayside in deference to technical perfection. Zappa tries to bring both attributes to the audience's attention, though judging from the relatively young age of those attending one might wonder at the impact.
Nonetheless, the fans clamored for more when Zappa introduced furniture entrepreneur Ed Barbara and bade him "sell the Mothers" to the crowd.
The reaction was even more strenuous for the encores: "Uncle Meat" and the classic "Trouble Comin' Every Day," from the Mothers' debut album "Freak Out."
1986 March 22
Sony's Stickering
Plans Come Unglued
By Jim Bessman, p 46
Picks Zappa to Fight Porno Bill, But It's News to Association
By Bill Holland, pp 4, 84
1990 May 19
No. 36
Frank Zappa's
Crusade – 25 Years And Counting
By Drew Wheeler, pp 3, 10, 13
Cucamonga Science And Beyond
By Drew Wheeler, pp 4, 14
Just Plain
By Drew Wheeler, p 6
Zappa: Leading
The Way In Digital & CD Technologies
By Jim Bessman, p 12
We Are What
We Watch
By Drew Wheeler, p 14
1993 October 9
Vol. 105 No. 41
Zappa In Legal Clash Over Song Rights
By Melinda Newmna, pp 20, 22
PolyGram Diversified Entertainment has filed suit against Frank Zappa, alleging that the artist has failed to act in good faith with the company over the audio, home video, and broadcast exploitation of a Zappa tribute concert, "Zappa's Universe." (read more)
1995 May 6
Plots Zappa Attack
By Drew Wheeler, pp 1, 93
Zappa's Legacy
By Drew Wheeler, p 93
Frank Zappa's composition "Once Again, Without The Net" may have a special resonance for Rykodisc, as the Salem, Mass.-based label attempts the hair-raising feat of rereleasing 53 newly remastered Zappa albums in a span of 26 days. (read more)