Dansk Musik Tidsskrift

Vol. 59 No. 5
Sig navnet, og vi har spillet det! (Say the name
and we've played it!)
By Jesper Beckman, pp 285-291
Zappa - Boulez
By Carl Bergstrøm-Nielsen, p 363
[1] A conversation with 1st violinist David Harrington from the Kronosquartet, who caused great excitement at this year's Numus festival. The quartet, which is based in San Francisco, performed quartets by Feldman, Zappa, Gudmundsen-Holmgreen, Cage and Riley at two concerts.
[2] Boulez conducts Zappa. The Perfect Stranger and other chamber works performed by the Ensemble Intercontemporain and the Barking Pumpkin Digital Gratification Consort. EMI Angel Digital DS-38170, P 1984.
Automatic translation: However, some boundaries have been moved in music during the 70s. As if it were the most obvious thing in the world, Boulez, who is a purist of what he himself calls "composition according to classical concepts", commissions a work from rock music's grand old satirist, Frank Zappa, for his Ensemble Intercontemporain. The result can be heard on this record. Boulez is good at getting an orchestra to play, so the trouble of having written the musical movement has not been in vain. An effort is an effort and a crescendo is a crescendo, wow! And it matches very beautifully with the noise-free digital recording. (read more)
Source: seismograf.org
ZAPPA™. The Yellow Shark. Ensemble Modern conducted by Peter Rundel. 1993 Zappa Family Trust. CDZAAP 57.
Automatic translation:
In connection with our feature on rock and gray zone music,
I acquired two CDs where Ensemble Modern plays music by the
American Frank Zappa and the German Heiner Goebbels respectively.
Zappa is released via the Zappa Family Trust on the record label
Barking Pumpkin Records. The family business is a pure extortion
machine that takes care of scraping in money. Virtually everything
is prohibited when it comes to the performance and transmission
of Zappa's music. Unless you have the cash register ready.
Of the 19 cuts on the CD, something exciting happens in No.
8, Be-Bop Tango and No. 19, G-Spot Tornado, which is hilarious.
The rest is Stravinsky without Stravinsky. Instrumented rock
for classical ensemble reminds me too much of far too many educational
exercises that rained down on us in school. And just as refined
and gifted as the circus orchestras that play seventh-rate arrangements
of The Pink Panther or Elephant Walk up under the roof. (read
Source: seismograf.org