

Monthly "Guitar fans magazine" Gitarzysta (Guitarist) was founded in January 2006. In August 2011, Basista (bass player) was added to the cover of the magazine, and the magazine began to include a separate section for bass players. Print-run about 15,000. ISSN 1895-3832

2013 January

No. 1 Issue 85


Dweezil Zappa. The Band From Utopia
By Jamie Dickson, pp 32-35

Zagraj jak Frank Zappa (Play like Frank Zappa)
By Adrian Clark, pp 36-37

Both articles are translated from the UK magazine Guitarist, December 2012.



2020 June

No. 6 Issue 174


A gdyby tak ocenić gwiazdy? (What if you judge the stars in this way?)
By Paul Green, pp 66-69

Paul Green from School Of Rock Music is rating some guitar stars. 6 is the maximum grade. Only Hendrix will got 6+. Frank Zappa and Tony Iommi are both 6, Angus Young 6-, Billy Joe Armstrong 5-, Kirk Hammett 4+, Slash 4, Ace Frehley 1.

Frank Zappa
Rozumiał muzykę, i potrafił wyrazić to, co czuł. Zappa był fantastycznym gitarzysta. Grał z niesamowitym feelingiem i, obok Hendrixa, uzyskiwał najlepsze brzmienie gitary. Regularnie organizujemy w szkole koncerty, na których gramy jego utwory. Jakby chodził do szkoły, dostałby ode mnie najwyższe oceny!  

Automatic translation:
He understood music, and could express what he felt. Zappa was a fantastic guitarist. He played with an amazing feeling and, next to Hendrix, got the best guitar sound. We regularly organize concerts at school where we play his songs. If he was going to school, he would get the highest grades from me!
