Hifi & Musik


"The magazine Hifi & Musik is about hifi and music. By hi-fi we mean all types of audio equipment and sound reproduction. We have been around since the autumn of 1970 and publish 10 issues per year." (facebook)
In the first years the magazine was titled Stereo-Hifi (with a full title Stereo Hifi Teknik och Musik). Thereafter from the same title the words HIFI and MUSIK were highlited. Since September 1976 this Scandinavias biggest sound equipment magazine is titled Hifi & Musik.

1976 May

No. 5


ZAPPA - hippiekulturens apostel
By Ingrid Nilsson, pp 82-83

In February 1976 Zappa had 4 concerts in Sweden, 2 in Stockholm, 2 in Lund. This article is a kind of review of these concerts with a great exclusive picture.