

Popular Finnish monthly youth magazine, published 1968-1976. Later transformed into magazine Help.

1972 January

No. 1

Frank Zappa on mielettömyyksien kauppias (Frank Zappa is a merchant of madness)
By Julius Heikkilä, 2 pp

Source: ebay

1973 September

No. 9

This issue includes a giant Zappa poster.


1973 October

No. 10

Zappa rakastui suomalaisen yleisöön
(Zappa fell in love with Finnish audience)
By Matti Laipio, 2 pp
Frank Zappa and The Mothers: Over-Nite Sensation (review)
By ?, 1 p

The concerts reviewed here were finally released in October 2013 as Road Tapes, Venue #2.

Source: slime.oofytv.set

1974 November

No. 11

Tulin, näin, soitin ja voitin (I came, I saw, I played, I won)
By Lauri Sipilä, pp 2-4
Zappa/Mothers: Roxy & Elsewhere (review)
By ?, p 58

Article and interview with Zappa visiting Helsinki in September 21-24, 1974. Read more Frank Zappa in Finland.

The interview is interesting and contains some unique info. Zappa met (again, first time it was a year ago) with Finnish bass player Pekka Pohjola, was very impressed by him and they planned to meet again in Christmas time to record new Zappa solo album.


1976 April

No. 4

Zappa pettyi Suomeen ... (Zappa disappointed in Finland ...)
By Matti Laipio, pp 64-65

All previous Zappa concerts in Helsinki were very successful. 1976 concert was a big disappointment, by both sides, Zappa and audience.

Source: slime.oofytv.set