

Kurír (Courier) was a national daily newspaper published in the morning and in the afternoon, its first issue was published on July 2, 1990. Its morning "red" edition existed until 1998, its afternoon (evening) "blue"edition until 1993. Kurír was the second political tabloid after the regime change, after Mai Nap (1989). (Digitheca)

1991 September 30


Nem kommersz, de potens (No commercial potential)
By László N. Göbölyös, p 12

This article is on Hungarian translation of The Real Frank Zappa Book.

Source: adt.arcanum.com


1995 December 21


Nem csak zenész (Not only musician)
By László N. Göbölyös, p 7

Automatic translation: A rock musician (?), who never did drugs, never drank, and at most trimmed women's hair when he was younger, fell into a stupid but incurable disease and soon died of it. Since then, there hasn't been a musician like F.Z., who was able to sing and orchestrate the intricacies of his world and country with the precision of a sociographer. He would be 55 today.

Source: adt.arcanum.com