Ever since the "Central Scrutinizer" began enforcing
"all the laws that haven't been passed yet," Frank Zappa has
been outspoken for the cause of free speech. In 1985 he was
very visible in his opposition to the Parent's Music Resource
Center, a group of Congressional wives and other famous Washington
women who objected to the sexual references in rock lyrics and
called for a record rating system similar to that used for movies.
While his politics and blunt outspoken manner have attracted
the mainstream media, it's Frank Zappa's music that has attracted
a loyal following. Zappa's musical projects have included more
than forty albums (he has his own record company now: Barking
Pumpkin), over thirty works for choral and orchestral groups,
four ballets, two movies, and two TV specials.
What follows are excerpts from an interview done with WRL's
David Croteau. (read
Source: TriCollege Libraries