Summaries of all issues with cover pictures - angeloamoretti.net.
Automatic translation: Frank Zappa, and not the Mothers Of Invention of
«Freak Out!», which today seem to belong more to history than
to the immediate present of rock. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
1974 October
Vol. 1 No. 1
Saggia intorno alla nera
anima di messer Francesco Vincenzo Zappa
(Essay about the black soul of messer Francesco Vincenzo
By Riccardo Bertoncelli, pp 36-44
Automatic translation: Let's get things straight: Frank Zappa is an alchemist, a gentleman with a mustache and toga and a black hood who has been working for years among filters and stills in search of that Laughing Gas that is Liberated Music, the Powerful Sound. (read more)
On the news page: "Frank Zappa termine in questi giorni la tournee Europea con un concerto ad Oslo e uno (forse) a Helsinki. Appena uscito il nuove album, il millesimo, Roxy & Elsewhere. Circolano voci, infine, su un museo pop che Zappa avrebbe idea di aprire in California: in prima fila figurebbero i celebri cazzi ingessati di Cynthia Plaster-caster, gentili ricordi dei piu celebri "maschi" musicali degli anni '60."
Automatic translation: Frank Zappa is ending his European tour these days with a concert in Oslo and one (perhaps) in Helsinki. Just released the new album, the thousandth, Roxy & Elsewhere. Finally, rumors are circulating about a pop museum that Zappa would have the idea of opening in California: in the front row the famous cocks in plaster cast by Cynthia Plaster-caster, kind memories of the most famous musical "males" of the 60s.
Source: slime.oofytv.set, Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: The "Mothers del decennale" arrive in Milan on 11
September, an evening when Vigorelli has a respectable air and
many good aromas - no police, hello, three or four gorillas
look at you sideways and that's the end of the holy paranoia
of each concert. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: Two discs are too many for the '74 Zappa. Especially
if live, once it is established that on the stage the artist-jester
beats the lucid musician and therefore grimaces, smiles, jokes
and gestures without the exact sound springs being triggered. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: FRANK ZAPPA IN THE EYE OF THE CYCLONE With a sudden
jump of mood he has made peace with the "enemy" Captain Beefheart,
promising him glory in his court and a collaborative record
as soon as possible. In the meantime, the new album One Size
Fits All has been released, while in London the trial wanted
by Uncle Frankie against the organizers of the Royal Albert
Hall, guilty of having dissolved a contract without valid reasons,
is still taking place.
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Curiosity - "Jean's West" ad with Frank Zappa. "Jean's West" was a fashion brand by Benetton, launched in 1972. Another "Jean's West" ad in these years was with Jimi Hendrix.
Source: cdandlp.com
Automatic translation: Our passionate statement ( Beefheart was the greatest bluesman of the last decade ) will certainly not find much acclaim. There is still the belief, in fact, that the bluesman is the minstrel botched in black, the Chicago smoke salesman, the collector of Muddy Waters - Robert Johnson: the sense of blues escapes the plupart du monde as an exercise in anarchy, as absolute freedom, like improvisation with very poor means. (read more)
Source: Fulvio Fiore
1976 June
Vol. 3 No. 6
Vizi privati e pubbliche
virtu! (Private and public virtues!)
By Riccardo Bertoncelli, pp 16-19
Automatic translation: The document we are publishing is part of a dossier drawn up in an unknown town in Lower Bavaria in March of this year. It lists in great detail the lesser known sides of the life and work of the well-known pop musician Frank Zappa, focusing in particular on the uncertain early years. At that time, there is reason to believe that the character was in contact with obscure international environments (SIFAR, INAIL, the Masonic Grand Lodge of the East); however, this does not emerge from the following pages, which are illuminating in other ways. (read more)
Source: slime.oofytv.set
Automatic translation: We return to talk periodically of the mysterious
archive of Frank Zappa, of the exceptional tape library that
one day or another will be printed in the famous ten-LP series.
In an interview to one rag of London, the artist said he owns
recordings of about 2000 concerts given by the Mothers from
the beginning to today, as well as an unknown number of study
material. There is talk of recordings with Beefheart dating
back to 1958, and excellent recordings with Sugarcane Harris
of 1969, songs that should have been included in Hot Rats, originally
scheduled as a double album. Zappa plans to release a "summary"
of the material in his possession as soon as possible, with
spoken interventions by the various Mothers, in a limited edition
disc with a modest price of 50 dollars.
Source: Fulvio Fiore
1977 September
Vol. 4 No. 9
Un riscatto per i sintetizzatori? (A ransom
for synthesizers)
By Riccardo Bertoncelli, pp 22-23