

Monthly magazine of music, news and culture. Founded in 1978 as Music, "mensile di musica e altro fidelia" - monthly of music and hifi. Since issue #149 in 1992 renamed to Music & Arts.

1979 April

Vol. 1 No. 3


No other Zappa-related content in this number.

Source: Fulvio Fiore


1979 June

Vol. 1 No. 4/5


Frank Zappa contro le orchestre classiche

 «Tutto il mondo della musica classica negli Stati Uniti è distorto. I concerti sì tengono solo per il divertimento del pubblico, e la loro funzione sociale è irrilevante». Lo ha detto Frank Zappa in una requisitoria contro le orchestre classiche in particolare, le quali «non sono interessate alla musica di un autore finché questo non è morto, perché ritengono che al pubblico piaccia soltanto la musica di gente morta. Perciò fare il compositore in America non è certo divertente».
«Le uniche volte in cui le orchestre si sono rivolte, a me ha pure detto il baffuto chitarrista californiano il cui ultimo LP pubblicato in Italia è il doppio «Sheik Yerbouti» è in occasione di speciali concerti pop organizzati per ammortizzare i costi della loro gestione. Volevano che io apparissi con il mio gruppo per vendere i biglietti: "noi suoniamo la tua musica. poi tu arrivi con il rock'n'roll e chiami la gente": questo è il loro ragionamento».

Automatic translation: «The whole world of classical music in the United States is distorted. Concerts are held only for the enjoyment of the public, and their social function is irrelevant». Frank Zappa said this in an indictment against classical orchestras in particular, which «are not interested in the music of an author until he is dead, because they believe that the public only likes the music of dead people. So being a composer in America is certainly not fun ».
«The only times the orchestras have turned to me was also told by the mustachioed Californian guitarist whose last LP released in Italy is the double "Sheik Yerbouti" is on the occasion of special pop concerts organized to amortize the costs of their management. They wanted me to appear with my group to sell tickets: "we play your music. Then you come with rock'n'roll and you call the people": this is their reasoning». 

Source: Fulvio Fiore


1979 October

Vol. 1 No. 9


 On page 72 is a picture of FZ at the Kendun studios preparing the sequel to Sheik Yerbouti.


Source: Fulvio Fiore


1987 January

Vol. 9 No. 85

Frank Zappa "Does Humor Belong In Music?"
By Piero Cossa, pp 82-83 

 Automatic translation:  This "Does Humor Belong In Music?" is paired with the homonymous compact which however contains other material. The question contained in the title, "Can there be humor in music?", is amply satisfied by an hour of recorded live, as the opening credits underline, without lasers and without smoke fog and without additions in the studio. (read more)


Source: Fulvio Fiore


1988 December

Vol. 10 No. 108

Frank Zappa "The Untouchables"
By Luca Damiani, 1 p

  Automatic translation: A very recent double for the great Frank Zappa who, with the publication of "You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore", was certainly not saved from pirate boarding. Although the "challenge" launched by journalists - '' You will not be able to do this on stage anyway "- collects twenty-eight splendid appearances, it cannot compete with the fourth side of" The Untouchables ".(read more)

Source: Fulvio Fiore


1989 January

Vol. 11 No. 109

Frank Zappa "Serious Music"
By Luca Damiani, 1 p

  Automatic translation:  Another date to be marked under the "piracy" box for the introduction of the CD as we have also reported in the appropriate showcase. We ended up with this mysterious contribution to Frank Zappa's vast discography and with few indications on the small cover. (read more)

Source: Fulvio Fiore


1989 November

Vol. 11 No. 118

Ritratti (Portraits)
p 8

  Molti mi chiedono cosa farei se un giorno smettessi di suonare. In primo luogo non vedo cosa gli interessi e poi, dovendo fare una scelta, eviterei accuratamente il mestiere del giornalista. Troppi ipocriti e bugiardi, una brutta razza quella dei critici.

Automatic translation:  Many ask me what I would do if I stop playing one day. In the first place I don't see what interests him and then, having to make a choice, I would carefully avoid the job of the journalist. Too many hypocrites and liars, a bad breed that of critics.

Source: Fulvio Fiore


1990 April

Vol. 12 No. 123

CD Story. Frank Zappa (I)
By Paolo Bottigelli, p 75

Source: Fulvio Fiore


1990 May

Vol. 12 No. 124

CD Story. Frank Zappa (II)
By Paolo Bottigelli, p 60

Source: Fulvio Fiore


1990 June

Vol. 12 No. 125

CD Story. Frank Zappa (III)
By Paolo Bottigelli, p 75

Source: Fulvio Fiore


1991 January

Vol. 12 No. 131


Raritá ( Zappa: The String Quartet)
By Luca Damiani, pp 30-31

Automatic translation: Despite the cover and title in this String Quartet you won't find Frank Zappa's crazy melodies played by a string quartet. Instead, it is a concert recorded in Fullerton in the distant 1968. A few days later a new album by the very young FZ & The Mothers Of lnvention would be released. The preview referred to "Uncle Meat" one of the best doubles of the first production. The two polychrome vinyl facades that show that concert are divided into two suites: the "String Quarte!" above and the famous "King Kong" which occupied the entire fourth side of the album to come. The liner notes do not mention the musicians but relying on the period it is likely that there was the inevitable Don Preston, Ian Underwood and Ruth Komanoffi before the nuptials and Bunk Gardner. The technical quality of the engravings, despite the times and therefore the recording tools available, is remarkable. Without reaching the levels bootlegs have accustomed us to in recent years, "String Quartet" is certainly able to withstand the comparison with the original in the studio.

Source: Fulvio Fiore


  Automatic translation: Frank Zappa turns fifty this year, half a century in which the American musician has done practically everything: contemporary music, symphonic, rock, jazz, pop, demented and so on and so forth. He has quarreled with all the record companies that exist on the face of the earth, founded one, released dozens of records, most of them double, triple or even quadruple or quintuple, and recently even wrote his autobiography of him. To celebrate this milestone, the "old" Frank releases a double album (of course ...) taken from that tour called "Broadway The Hard Way" which had already produced a splendid album of the same name last year. (read more)

Source: Fulvio Fiore


1991 November

Vol. 13 No. 141

Frank Zappa "Make A Jazz Noise Here"
By Maurizio Becker, p 73

  Automatic translation: "World's finest Optional Ententainment" (the best optional entertainment in the world) is the very fitting slogan with which Frank Zappa's personal label advertises itself. Zappa's deviant and "annoying" music is really an option: you will not find it on the first shelves of your record dealer, you will not suffer intrusive television promotions, you will just read some reviews on the last page and, if you turn on the radio, you can run around quietly from station to station without disturbing encounters. (read more)

Source: Fulvio Fiore


1992 May

Vol. 14 No. 147


Absolutely Freak
By Ernesto De Pascale, pp 18-25

Per Frank Zappa e le sue Mothers Of Invention il 1967 e' l'anno di "Absolutely Free", nonche' di molti e diverse progetti laterali: "We're Only In It For The Money", "Lumpy Gravy", "Cruising With Ruben & The Jets" ... ricostruiamo.

For Frank Zappa and his Mothers Of Invention, 1967 is the year of "Absolutely Free", as well as many different side projects: "We're Only In It For The Money", "Lumpy Gravy", "Cruising With Ruben & The Jets " ... let's rebuild.

Source: Fulvio Fiore


1992 July

Vol. 14 No. 149


Captain Beefheart's Loony Magic Club Band
By Ernesto De Pascale, pp 52-53

Source: Fulvio Fiore


1993 December

Vol. 15 No. 165


A presto, caro Frank
By Ernesto De Pascale, pp 32-35

Ernesto De Pascale

This article is by very well-known Italian musician, producer and journalist Ernesto De Pascale, who among other projects produced Zappa tribute albums.


Source: slime.oofytv.set