Fare Musica


Monthly magazine with an "professional" approach to the musical world, describing little known aspects of the job of artists, musicians, producers. The remainder of the journal is mostly "technical", i.e. instruments, recording studios etc. First number issued in December 1980. (2001selling @ ebay)
Fare Musica (making music) was affiliated with Guitar Player & Keyboard

1984 November

No  44

Assolutamente Frank!
By Jamie Muir, Riccardo Bertoncelli, Ernesto Assante, Filippo Bianchi, Sandro Oliva, Stefano Pistolini, Fernando Fera, Maurizio Petitti, pp 20-28

Basso, sport e avventura
By Frank Zappa, p 121
(Zappa column Bass, Sports and Adventure from Guitar Player, April 83)

Source: slime.oofytv.set