Histoire du Rock
An encyclopedia published in weekly booklets, which are
compiled into 4 volumes. The series
was originally intended to contain 42 issues in 3 binders but
was expanded to 56 issues. It is an updated translation of the British
series The Story of
Pop into French. The changes mainly included the addition
of Canadian artists, but also, for example, an article on Frank
Zappa in vol. 43 was added.
No. 43
Les quelques flirts de monsieur
Zappa (Mr. Zappa's few flirtations)
By Michel Fournier, pp 1181-1183
Frank is the real bad wolf of rock, watching over the children when he's in the woods
Note. The corresponding issue in the UK original with Alice Cooper on the front cover was #42. Several articles are the same in the UK and Canadian editions. But the Frank Zappa article is missing in the UK edition.
Source: slime.oofytv.set