Automatic translation: ... What remains is Zappa's inclination to crossing
styles, to the daring combination of musical materials, to the
witty and intelligent reinterpretation of that complex world
of rock to which Zappa has given one of the most original interpretations.
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Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: At the origin of it all is the legendary listening room of the Zappa house, in the heart of the "Utility Muffin Research Kitchen & Baby Milk Factory". Rip Rense describes it as follows: «Sitting on the large, soft leather sofa that dominates the middle of the room is like stepping into a Zappian album cover. It is accessed by a door that was once a hospital, with the words 'surgery', and inside there are plants and dark waters, rough wooden walls carved in a bizarre way for acoustic reasons and a plethora of objects that you immediately understand, or not at all, because they are there: ... (read more)