

Velvet. percorsi di altro rock, cinema e cultura (Velvet. Paths of other rock, cinema and culture), often known only by the name of Velvet, was a monthly magazine with a predominantly musical character launched in October 1988 by many collaborators who left Il Mucchio Selvaggio. The magazine concluded its first phase of publishing life with the #26, of November 1990. The second with a slightly different editorial line (the subtitle Bible of fun & enlightenment is significant), was launched in January 1991 and ended, with issue 10, in October of same year. In the third and final phase, after issue 11 of November 1991, Velvet radically changed its approach, becoming a magazine of reviews only. The definitive closure took place with n.17 of June 1992. (wikipedia)

1988 October

Vol. 1 No. 1


L'elogio della follia (The praise of mafness)
1. Captain Beefheart
By Eddy Cilla, pp 20-22

The article on madness has three protagonists: Captain Beefheart, Thomas Pynchon and John Candy.

Source: Fulvio Fiore


1990 June

Vol. 3 No. 21
Supplement Velvet Gallery


Frank Zappa and The Mothers Of Invention - 'Freak Out'
By ?, p 29

Automatic translation: One can still understand today the shock raised at its first appearance by such a "garbage collection", as a popular newspaper of the time defined the album in no uncertain terms. 

Source: Fulvio Fiore