
ZIP was one of many short-lived pop magazines that were started in 1973 and lasted until 1975. When Poster had made its entrance, there was simply no room for more magazines. ZIP, which was in comic book format, dealt mostly with child idols. The pop magazine ZIP was published in 20 issues 1973 (2) + 1974 (12) + 1975 (6). 1973 and 1974 included a poster 48x70cm. After the last issue in the summer of 1975, an issue of the magazine Schysst from the same publisher followed, but it was only one issue. (Svenska Poptidningar)

1974 December

No. 12


Frank Zappa - vilda ideer och järnhård disciplin
(Frank Zappa - wild ideas and iron-fisted discipline)
By Ylva Swedenborg, pp 42-43
