Hi, Folks!
Frank Zappa: notizie più precise sullo
stato di salute di Zappa vengono dalla figlia Moon Unit. A Frank
è stato diagnosticato un tumore alla prostata che però, sembra
essere sotto controllo. Le cure stanno avendo effetto tanto
che Zappa continua imperterrito nei suoi progetti musicali e
politici. Un recente sondaggio televisivo ha confermato che
la scelta di candidarsi alle prossime "presidenziali" statunitensi
non era solo una boutade e le oltre 2000 telefonate raccolte
in una sola serata fanno ipotizzare i propositi di una seria
candidatura. Per quello che riguarda i programmi artistici,
Zappa sta lavorando ad un'opera di musica classica che dovrebbe
essere eseguita in Germania il prossimo Settembre.
Frank Zappa: more precise information on Zappa's health comes from his daughter Moon Unit. Frank was diagnosed with prostate cancer, which appears to be under control. The treatments are having such an effect that Zappa continues undaunted in his musical and political projects. A recent television poll confirmed that the choice to run for the next US "presidential elections" was not just a joke and the more than 2000 phone calls collected in a single evening suggest the intentions of a serious candidacy. As for the artistic programs, Zappa is working on a classical music work that should be performed in Germany next September.
Source: Fulvio Fiore
1992 November-December
Vol. 10 No. 56
Lo squalo gallo
(The yellow shark)
By Roberto Del Piano, pp 18-23
Zappa lo
Squalo: chi l'ha visto? (Zappa the Shark: who saw
By Enzo Gentile, pp 20-21
[1] Automatic translation: Long undermined by an incurable mass, the most irreverent artist of our times does not give up his passion for music. Until the last drop of energy. (read more)
[2] Automatic translation: Many of us went up, in disorder, as if on a pilgrimage, "to secretly see the effect it has": Frank Zappa's Central European campaign at the end of the summer had mobilized energy and affection. His testament-work, "The Yellow Shark", was hosted from 17 to 19 September in the program of the events of the Alte Oper in Frankfurt, and then moved to Berlin and Vienna, eight performances in all: the latest, it was unofficially announced , which also included his presence on the stage. (read more)
Source: slime.oofytv.set
issue has an article by Enzo Gentile "Anche
i giornalisti nel loro piccolo s'incazzano ...", which
was illustrated with FZ picture, but wasn't actually
Source: Fulvio Fiore