Pop Music
Pop Music started in 2 April 1970 and ended with issue #51, March 1971. In the same time another weekly newspaper Superhebdo started and ended with issue #50 in March 1971. Both newspapers merged as Pop Music Superhebdo as #52, 25 March 1971. This merged weekly changed his name back to Pop Music with #107, 11 May 1972 and run until #126, 6 December 1972. Finally Pop Music merged with weekly Maxipop to become Pop Music Maxipop of #132, March 1973 until #135, 10 April 1973. (Maxipop existed from #1, 29 June 1972 to #28, 13 March 1973.) (Zeuhl Music)
Automatic translation: MOTHERS REBORN
NEW YORK - The Mothers Of Invention could reform. At least that's the current rumor in the United States in Underground circles. On May 8 and 9, Mothers Of Invention with Frank Zappa is scheduled at the Fillmore East in New York. Waiting for Frank Zappa, who hired drummer Aynsley Dunbar in his troops, is coming to Britain. He will be one of the stars of the Pop Proms which will take place at the Roundhouse in London. Here is the program for these Pop Proms: Monday, April 20: Traffic; Tuesday 21: Tyrannosaurus Rex, Spooky Tooth; Wednesday 22: Johnny Winter: Thursday 23: Fairport Convention; Friday 24: Fleetwood Mac and Saturday 25: Air Force.
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: NEW YORK There is strong talk, as we previously announced, that Frank Zappa will reform the Mothers Of Invention at the Isle of Wight Festival this summer. (Festival where Richie Havens was definitely engaged). Currently the group that accompanies Frank Zappa has taken the name Hot Rats; it consists of Aynsley Dunbar on drums, Ma Bennett on bass, Ian Underwood on organ and Sugar Cane on violin. However, it is with the Mothers that he is programmed on May 8 at the Fillmore East in New York; then on May 15 at the University of California at Los Angeles. It is planned that for this last concert, he will be accompanied by an orchestra of 100 musicians. The Mothers will dance there a Zappa ballet "200 Motels", the story of a threesome between a young man, a young girl and a ... industrial vacuum cleaner (sic).
Source: Fulvio Fiore
les festivals interdits
A Valbonne, a Biot et a Aix.
Les incendies sont les causes indirectes de l'interdiction du
Festival de Pop Music de Valbonne. Le Préfet des Alpes Maritimes
a interdit le Festival qui devait se tenir les 23, 24 et 25
juillet entre Nice et Antibes, près de Biot. Les raisons de
la préfecture ont été annoncées par un communiqué que voici
: « Les risques graves et permanents d'incendie en zone
forestière, l'insuffisance des mesures de salubrité et de sécurité
prévus sur ce terrain par les organisateurs, ne permettent pas
de délivrer une quelconque autorisation pour ce rassemblement.
» L'organisateur ne comprend pas le sens de l'arrêté municipal.
Claude Rousseau a vingt-sept ans. C'est lui qui avait mis au
point le Festival du Bourget. Nous lui avons appris la nouvelle.
Pour lui, c'est une catastrophe. Les groupes américains qu'il
a programmés comme Country Joe et les Mothers Of Invention ont
été en partie payés.
Automatic translation: All festivals
In Valbonne, Biot
and Aix.
The fires are the indirect causes
of the ban on the Valbonne Pop Music Festival. The Prefect of
the Alpes Maritimes banned the Festival which was to be held
on July 23, 24 and 25 between Nice and Antibes, near Biot. The
reasons of the prefecture were announced in a press release
that follows: "The serious and permanent risks of fire in forest
areas, the inadequacy of the health and safety measures provided
for on this site by the organizers, do not make it possible
to issue any authorization for this gathering." The organizer
does not understand the meaning of the municipal decree. Claude
Rousseau is twenty-seven years old. He was the one who developed
the Bourget Festival. We told him the news. For him, it's a
disaster. The American groups he programmed like Country Joe
and the Mothers Of Invention were partially paid.
Source: slime.oofytv.set
1970 December 17
No. 38
Frank Zappa : "j'exerce
une direction déterminante sur les Mothers"
By ?, 1 p
Automatic translation: Zappa is a bit like the Zorro of pop music. The vindicator
to whom we always turn in times of misfortune. With the Mothers
Of Invention he has managed to become one of the most important
influences in Pop Music even if the general public has not yet
fully appreciated him. On December 15 he performed in Paris,
on 16 in Brussels and today 17 in Lille at the Cinéma le Capitole.
If you live in the region do not miss the show. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
1970 December 24
No. 39
Zappa au Gaumont:
"Une leçon de pop"
By Thierry Lewin, p 18
Aynsley Dunbar: "Je suis heurex avec Frank Zappa"
By J. Barsamian, p 18
Automatic translation:
Frank Zappa and his Mothers of Invention went to Paris; the
foreseeable storm did not break out. The Parisians did not deign
to pay attention to it. This concert could have been as “underground”
as that of the Beach Boys. Fortunately, Zappa enjoys the indestructible
consideration of a certain audience who have recognized him
as the promoter of a new Pop Music since the publication of
the albums "Freak Out," Absolutely Free "and" We're Only In
lt For The Money. ". Pop Music took itself too seriously. It
was necessary to give it back all its experimental value, all
its corrosive power which was seriously beginning to diminish.
(read more)
Automatic translation: And now, Ladies
and Gentlemen, Frank Zappa and the Mothers Of Invention. The
curtain rises. The musicians settle down. The last to arrive
is tall, thin. He has an aquiline nose, brown hair, a mustache
and a goatee that make him recognizable among a thousand. Zappa
is on stage. The show is about to begin. (read
Source: slime.oofytv.set
Le passage des Mothers Of Invention à Montreux (Suisse) a connu un dénouement plus que fâcheux : un incendie s'étant déclaré, les 3000 spectateurs présents furent évacués sand dommages, hormis pour trois d'entre eux, blessés légèrement. Mais la quasi-totalité du matériel des Mothers a été détruit. En conséquence, les concerts prévus en France n'ont pu avoir lieu. REPORTAGE PHOTOGRAPHIQUE :
Automatic translation: The passage of the Mothers Of Invention in Montreux (Switzerland) had a more than unfortunate outcome: a fire having broken out, the 3000 spectators present were evacuated sand damages, except for three of them, slightly injured. But almost all of the Mothers' gear was destroyed. Consequently, the concerts planned in France could not take place. pHOTOGRAPHIC REPORT : DANIEL DECAMPS.
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: Last Monday, Frank Zappa and the Mothers Of
Invention should have performed at the Châtelet.
Unfortunately, this concert was canceled for the reasons
that you know: a big firecracker or · a Bengal fire having
caused the incident of the Casino of Montreux at the same
time the Mothers gave their show, thus destroying their
material. There are only seven injured (a miracle). (read
Plus a short notice "Zappa hospitalise" on page 9.
Source: slime.oofytv.set
Automatic translation: “200 Motels” is as
far removed from the conception of pop films thanks to the
Beatles (“A Hard Day's Night”, “Help”) as the music of The
Mothers is from that of the Beatles. However, the subject of
"A Hard Day's Night" is surprisingly similar to that of
Zappa's film: the life of a band on tour. But while Richard
Lester (the director of the film) only saw it as a
fast-paced life, Zappa sees it as a completely different way
of life. The levels of reflection and understanding at which
the two men place themselves are quite dissimilar. Zappa
analyzes, Lester just watches. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: Beetheart is a funny guy. He talks to you for hours about what concerns him the most: rainwater, the maternal breast, universal gravity... Such deeply serious subjects can only move us. Even if they seem, sometimes, to be far from the music. Moreover, for him, things are reliable, and making music that pleases genes, makes them happy, is already a kind of contribution to the fight against pollution (that of gray faces). (read more)
Source: Fulvio Fiore