1979 March
No. 3
Frank Zappa. Rockens geni til Norge igjen (Rock's
genius to Norway again)
By Tore Neset, pp 7-9
Sleep Dirt: Frank Zappa
By Tore Neset, p 23
1979 April
No. 4
Zappa gjør det igjen (Zappa does
it again)
By Tore Neset, pp 18-21
Sheik Yerbouti: Frank Zappa
By Tore Neset, p 22
1980 February
No. 2
Alt du vil vite om Frank Zappa, men var redd for å spørre om
(Everything you want to know about Frank Zappa, but was afraid
to ask.)
By Tore Neset, p 13
1980 June
No. 6
Er denne mannen en irrasjonell sjarlatan eller er han en eksentrisk,
rasjonell visjonær?
(Is this man an irrational charlatan or is he an eccentric,
rational visionary?)
By Tore Olsen, pp 1, 15
Zappa's concert in Drammenshallen on 8 May is announced. With
a following joke:
Ol' Frankie brown eyes er tilbake - for
274. gang. (Hvem I redaksjonen gidder a skrive om ham denne
gang? Ingen!?)
Ol' Frankie brown eyes are back - for the 274th time. (Who in
the editorial staff bothers to write about him this time? None!?)
Source: nb.no
1982 June
No. 6
Zappa for 274. gang (Zappa 274th time)
By Rolf Behn Gulliksen, p 17
Captain Beefheart: Old fart at play
By Karin Westrheim, pp 24, 25, 33
Ship Arriving Too Late To Save A Drowning Witch
By Tore Neset, p 27
Why Drammenshallen concert review is titled "Zappa 274th time" - see previous Puls issue.
Source: nb.no
1984 October
No. 10
Denne mannen elsker oss (This man loves us)
By Tore Olsen, p 15
Frankie goes to Drammen
By Jan Omdahl, p 24
First part of the five-hour conversation with Zappa, who was obsessed with plans of his own satellite-TV-show. (read more)
Source: nb.no
1987 January
No. 1
Tåregass mot Zappa (interview part
By Lars Esselius, pp 40-41
Frank Zappa: Jazz From Hell (review)
By Arild Rensen, p 66
Second part of the interview is about France, a concert in Sicily, the chief of the CIA, anti-American currents, rock censorship and about the 2nd secretary at the Russian embassy in Washington. (read more)
Source: nb.no
1991 May
No. 5
Zappa Den Anti-Autoritære
By Mode Steinkjer, pp 20-23
Variasjoner over et variert tema
By Mode Steinkjer, p 24
1994 June 10
No. 22
Leve den musikalske galskap!
By Arild Rønsen, p 11
Mitt forhold til Zappa
By Terje Rypdal, Jahn Teigen, Frode Alnaes, Doktor Erik, Grim
Stene, Torstein Flakne, p 13
Ingen over, ingen ved siden
By Mode Steinkjer, pp 14-15
Hovikoddens initiativ
By Mode Steinkjer, p 16
Zappa har ordet
By Mode Steinkjer, p 17
Zons of Zappa
By Mode Steinkjer, p 18
Frank Zappa - en rockens legende
pp 20-21
Zappa skrev up ålitelig musikk!
By Arne Nordheim, pp 22-23
Frank Zappa 1940-1993
By Mode Steinkjer, pp 25-29