Super Sound
a Zappa: Frank, padre delle "madri inventrici" (The Mothers
of invention). Questo gruppo ha suonato per primo musica elettronica,
ha adottato per primo amplificatori e strumenti elettrici, ha
fatto per primo l'underground. I Beatles e i Rolling Stones
si attaccarono non poco al latte di tali madri prolifere. In
definitiva soltanto la zappa di Frank Zappa comincio a dissodare
il terreno arido della musica tradizionalista.
Automatic translation:
Zappa's hoeing: Frank, father of the "inventive mothers" (The
Mothers of invention). This group was the first to play electronic
music, they were the first to adopt amps and electric instruments,
they were the first to go underground. The Beatles and the Rolling
Stones became attached to the milk of such prolific mothers.
Ultimately only Frank Zappa's hoe begins to clear the arid soil
of traditionalist music.
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: The wording "Hot Rats" in the title is not accidental,
as the new album is linked to the work of '69 in the polychromy
of the compositions, in the elaborate construction of the sound
mixture. However, we can consider the album's main source of
inspiration that "Holiday in Berlin", which appeared for the
first time on "Burnt Weeny Sandwich" and later used as an overture
for "200 Motels". (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: There is absolutely no doubt that Frank Zappa is
going through a period of radical transformations. What strikes
the attentive listener the most, however, is the intelligence
with which he now knows how to reconnect to the musical discourses
addressed, carried out and implications in previous works. Sometimes
his simple annotations, at first sight banal or even jarring
in a general context, ultimately reveal their nature as references
to previous themes, as if they were active testimonies of a
past world in another with a very different aspect. Zappa, the
most delusional mind of the new American music, the greatest
mocking and joker king of music of his generation, who from
the top of his court derides with bitter irony the The whole
of America and with it all its "civilization", seemed to have
lately forgotten in his records that charge of diabolical sarcasm
that expressed its full potential through the fantastic characters
who came out of the twisted meanders of his brain. And now this
mind explodes again in what can be defined as one of the greatest
follies ever devised by a human person: the fantastic legend
of the "Grand Wazoo" that gives the album its title. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: Continuing the work of revaluation of long-playing
which, although very valid from all points of view, did not
have the reception they deserved on the market, I will examine
this week a masterpiece that, needless to say, is the result
of the monstrous mind by Frank Vincent Zappa: «Lumpy Gravy».
(read more)
Source: Fulvio Fiore
1973 September 17
Vol. 2 No. 24
Zappa scrappa ma non si sfugge
By a. r., p 1
Il lavoro di Zappa
pp 14-15
Chi è Frank Zappa
By Giovanni Pescatori
Le ultime Madri dell'Inventione
By Mauro Eusebi
Aspetti jazzistici nel clima zappiano
By Umberto Santucci
Acustica Palapop
By Luce De Orchi
Le opinioni dell'audience
By Sergio D'Alesio
had a gig in Palasport, Rome on August 31. The handwritten message
on the front page:
Aug. 31, 1973 A.D.
This concert in Rome was the best so far in our tour of Europe
and we'll be glad to come back soon to do it again. Thanks
to the great audience for making our first concert here such
a success.
Source: slime.oofytv.set
Automatic translation: Finally "Apostrophe" is released, the last 33 laps
(the seventeenth of the series) by the great Frank Zappa. From
the first listening we notice how this new work is the logical
continuation of the previous "Over-nite sensation", even if
this album, according to the cover, is a "solo" album by the
guitarist and not a new recording by the Mothers of Invention.
Here we find the main character of the new musical "turning
point" undertaken by the American genius, in fact right from
the first recordings, while now the lyrics occupy a lot of space
and do not allow the great soloists gathered in this album to
produce themselves in solo interventions. (read
1974 September 16
Vol. 3 No. 36
Frank Zappa il concerto
By Fabricio Cecca, p 9
L'ambiguità di Zappa
By Sergio D'Alesio, p 9