The word "Buscadero" is of Spanish origin. [...] Buscudero, then, could be translated as either the one who haunted or the one who was haunted. In the last mentioned sense it became current [...] as the general name for the outlaws. (Ed McGivern's Book of Fast and Fancy Revolver Shooting, p. 375)
1981 June
No. 7
A colpi di Zappa
By Pino Larosa, pp 16-19
Frank Zappa
"Tinsel Town Rebellion"
By Pino Larosa, p 19
Discografia - Zappa & Mothers Of Invention
By Paolo Carù, pp 20-21
Automatic translation: This "You are what you is", yet another double album
by Frank Zappa, arrives on the plate even in advance of the
expected deadline. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: The old Zappa obviously has no mercy on our already
battered wallet and here comes out, sold by mail order in the
States, the announced trilogy comprising instrumental pieces
and guitar solos taken from tours and studio sessions. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
1982 July/August
No. 34
Frank Zappa
"Ship arriving too late to save a drowning witch"
By Paolo Bertrando, p 34
Automatic translation: Frank Zappa's first album 1982 (but fourth in twelve
months): a predictable vehicle of controversy. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: Oh oh, we Italians protagonists of an American cover!
And as usual we make the figure of the chocolatiers casinos. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: It is not, as perhaps someone feared, a new album
by Zappa, but it is simply a small delight for the fans of the
brilliant American musician, which includes 6 unreleased songs
dating back to his earliest musical experiences. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: Another summer, many years ago (thirteen, to be exact), we discovered the orchestral Zappa and fell in love with it. Until then we knew other Zappas, equally fascinating but different: the scandalist , then mistaken for a "social agitator", who posed naked on the toilet and told of American bourgeois eager to fuck themselves on the lawn of the White House ("What'd you do daddy? "); the paradoxical rockman , who charged his music and lyrics with polemics and whims, preaching the freak out , the "creative high" (beware: without taking drugs!); the frivolous romantic, committed to exceeding the measure of certain stupid songs of the youthful tradition, imbuing himself with all the taste, all the kitsch, all the enjoyable toxins of that music (Ruben & The Jets). (read more)
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: Frank Zappa recalls, in some ways, the characters
of cartoons or detective series: he is unalterable, physically
and intellectually always the same as himself. Almost twenty
years have passed since Freak Out's meteoric debut, and Zappa
offers his followers an identical hollow and mocking face, garnished
with a goatee and a cold ironic look; while his music remains
sarcastic and acrobatic, of a very solid matrix in spite of
multiple metamorphoses. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
1985 January
No. 44
Frank Zappa
"Boulez Conducts Zappa: The Perfect Stranger, Francesco Zappa,
By Paolo Bertrando, 2 p
Automatic translation: It was said a few months ago that hypertrophy was
the salient feature of Zappian production. But he dared not
imagine a gargantuan operation as much as the one that the amiable
Frank is carrying out these days: to publish two single albums
plus a triple one at close range, while the famous seven-disc
box set with the complete work of the prime Mothers of Invention. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: Frank Zappa composes too much, that's the problem.
All the discontinuities, the strange slips of some recent albums
are due to an excess of music available. Uncontrolled, the fertile
genius of ours insists on continuously churning out albums and
re-editions and arrangements and musical columns. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: Frank Zappa's self-centered and solipsist character
is well known. Irritable musician, Zappa disdains dialogue with
colleagues and supporting actors, often accused of incompetence
and ambitions; his compositions, written down to the smallest
detail, do not admit creative interventions by the followers.
It is therefore not surprising that the recent Zappa loves extremely
the glacial but impeccable execution of the Synclavier, a device
that is certainly more faithful than any imperfect human mechanism. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: Over the course of his varied career, Frank Zappa
has caught all kinds of adjectives: from genius to madman, from
teacher to scoundrel, from evil mustache to desecrator. But
for some years now Frank has given up the role of crazy rock
sorcerer, to hide behind an obsessive care for his music; the
result is a real wave of new albums, as well as reissues, remixes
and reworkings of previous LPs. Granted that a true Zappa fanatic
would have to spend a fortune if he wanted to get all the outputs
of the diabolical alchemist, let's try to make some order in
Frank's turbulent discography. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
1988 July / August
No. 83
Frank Zappa
By Diego Perugini, p 8
Zappa "Serious Music"
By Paolo Bertrando
Automatic translation: For everyone, ladies and gentlemen, Frank
Zappa doesn't spare himself, neither on stage, nor in terms
of chatter; the forty journalists gathered in a room of the
Palatrussardi just before the Milanese concert noticed it. Ironic
and mocking, Zappa seems to have enjoyed himself in that half-hour
of frenzied question-and-answer ping pong; and he won, as expected,
placing biting answers to questions not always up to par. Various
themes, from Reagan ("At the summit Gorbachev did it looks like
a monkey and did him a favor, because Reagan is less than a
monkey") to the general situation ("There is too much madness
in the world, just think of the war , but the cause of everything
is religion "). (read
Automatic translation: A vintage Frank Zappa Orchestral (1961), complete
with Satan as a narrator might seem a fanciful invention, devised
for the sake of seducing and disappointing the most ardent followers
of the Mephistophelic musician. Instead it is pure reality,
to pretend to the liner notes - however very reliable - of this
luxurious bootleg. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: Rock-men usually release a record and then go to
a tour . It took Zappa to do the opposite: he dedicated the
1988 tour to a record not yet in circulation ( "Broadway the
hard way" in fact), and then extracts the recordings from those
concerts. (read
Source: Fulvuo Fiore
1990 January
Vol. 11 No. 99
Frank Zappa
"You can't do that on stage anymore vol. 3"
By Ghisoni Daniele, p 61
Automatic translation: Just a year ago, reviewing the first two volumes
of this initiative by Zappa to re-propose, live, unreleased
material, or interpreted in different versions, I complained,
even for an inveterate fan like myself, the excessive production
of the great Frank, with CDs, anthologies, Live, orchestral
records, chamber music, solo guitar records, etc, which by now
were wearing us out in every sense! (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: «Hot Rats» or like the «solo» eccentric guitarist
Zappa or, worse, the Great Court Jester managed to make eyes
and ears appear to the blind and deaf. Critics who snubbed him
were forced to accept such serious work... (read
Source: Fulvuo Fiore
1991 June
Vol. 12 No. 115
Frank Zappa
"The best band you never heard in your life"
By Piero Tarantola, pp 56-57
Automatic translation: The lucky ones who were able to listen to Zappa on
his latest tour (Broadway the hard way) can agree with myself
that the 11-piece band heard on those occasions was undoubtedly
one of the best ever proposed by Uncle Frank. This double CD
collects live recordings dating back to that period (1988) which
are added to those already published on the CD "Broadway the
hard way" released in 1989. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
1991 July/August
Vol. 12 No. 116
Frank Zappa
"You can't do that on stage anymore" vol. 4
By Piero Tarantola, p 56
Automatic translation: Shortly after the double CD "The best band ..." dedicated
to the 1988 tour, this fourth volume of the series "You can't
do that on stage anymore" is released. On this double disc there
are live recordings included in the period 1969 - 1988. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: For marketers Frank Zappa must be considered a fool:
within a month he flooded the shops with three double CDs and
released a box set with eight official bootlegs. The first bloodletting
for his fans concerns the fourth volume of the story series
"You can't do that on stage anymore", the amazing live "The
best band you ever heard in your life" and this complementary
"Make a jazz noise" both taken from the 1988 world tour with
the twelve-member band. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: Zappa's live activity has practically never stopped for many years, as evidenced by the countless bootlegs that begin to circulate as soon as Frank starts a new tour. Ours must have had enough of all of this and, in a frankly unexpected move, publish eight bootlegs of him, officially declaring war on counterfeiters. The discs are the same in all respects (including the cover) to the "original" bootlegs (if I am permitted to use the term) and cover a period between 1967 and 1981. (read more)
Source: Fulvio Fiore
1992 September
Vol. 12 No. 128
Frank Zappa
"You can't do that on stage anymore vol. 5"
By Piero Tarantola, p 71
Automatic translation: Yet another chapter in the saga "you can't do that
..." this fifth volume, double like all the others, presents
Zappa in two distinct periods of his career. The first CD proposes
the inconoclastic and mocking Mothers of the sixties while the
second contains excerpts from what Zappa defined as "the infamous
1982 tour". (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
1992 October
Vol. 12 No. 129
Frank Zappa
"You can't do that on stage anymore vol. 6"
By Piero Tarantola, 2 p
Automatic translation: Just as the news of Frank Zappa's announced retirement
from the music scene appears in the world press, this sixth
and last volume of the series of double CDs «You can't do that
on stage anymore» comes out. Zappa, who has been suffering from
prostate cancer for some time, has therefore decided to bid
farewell to the world of music, although in recent years, due
to the serious illness that afflicts him, he had not published
new material. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: Frank Zappa's musical production has always been
extremely diversified over the years: from rock'n'roll to contemporary
music in the context of an extremely coherent musical project.
From the very beginning Zappa wanted to try his hand at orchestral
scores, for example "Lumpy Gravy", a bizarre mix of symphonic
music and the typical Zappa "nonsense" or the collaboration
between Nostro and Zubin Metha for an orchestral transcription
of "200 Motels" which unfortunately has never been brought back
to vinyl (with all his bootlegs that he reissued couldn't he
even recover the one with Metha?). (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Frank Zappa special – excerpts from The Real Frank Zappa Book, photos by Guido Harari and reminisces by Guido Giazzi, Paolo Carù, Riccardo Bertoncelli, Davide Sapienza, Peppo Delconte, Piero Tarantola and Guido Harari.
This month's Junior Bonner's Choice includes Yellow Shark, 4 stars. (page 5)
Automatic translation: The facts: the legendary "Lather" originally conceived by Zappa as a quadruple box is now released and instead broken up into four albums (without the author's consent) entitled "Zappa in New York" , "Studio Tan" , "Sleep Dirt" and "Orchestral favorites" between 1977 and 1979. (read more)
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: Few have not been offended at least once by listening
to Zappa's lyrics and good for us that FZ has not always published
them on records and that few in Italy understand English well.
If this were not the case, the passages contained in this anthology
(but not only these) would have found even less diffusion via
radio. But no one understands them and here is "Bobby Brown"
broadcast by a local station or "Dinah Moe Humm" used as background
in a television program. (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: The orchestra is the instrument par excellence and
conducting one is an incredible experience. There is no such
thing, except singing doo-wop harmonies and feeling the chords
come out right. From the podium (if the orchestra plays well)
the music feels so good that if you listen to it intensely,
you screw your brain. When I direct, I have to force myself
not to listen, to think about what I am doing with my hand and
where the various signs are directed. My style fluctuates somewhere
between the nonexistent and the totally boring. I try to keep
the signs to what is strictly necessary for the musicians to
do their job, however I don't think of myself as a conductor
(Frank Zappa). (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
Automatic translation: With the reissue of "200 Motels" Ryko finally completed
the CD publication of Zappa's discography. The album had never
been released in this format and even the double LP edition
released in 1971 had limited circulation because the album was
released by United Artists then went bankrupt and reabsorbed
by MGM. (read more)
Source: Fulvio Fiore
2000 June
No. 214
The Persuasions
"Frankly A Cappella: The Persuasions Sing Zappa"
By Gianni Del Salvio, p 88
Automatic translation: He, Frank Zappa, about thirty years ago was one of
the first to give credit to the Brooklyn quintet (the members
are however from various sources), stimulated by the enthusiasm
of his wife, Gail, after listening to one of their tapes. And
so in the autumn of 1970 A Cappella was released, the group's
first album, on Straight. Discs for other record companies (Capitol,
MCA, A&M, Elektra) followed throughout the decade, with
a slower frequency in the following decade (a couple for Rounder)
and even more in the 90s (read
Source: Fulvio Fiore
2017 July / August
Vol. 37 No. 402
I tesori
della cripta - parte prima (The treasures of the
crypt - pt I)
By Andrea Trevaini, pp 24-25
2017 November
Vol. 37 No. 405
I tesori
della cripta - parte seconda (The treasures of
the crypt - pt II)
By Andrea Trevaini, pp 26-27
Automatic translation: Frank Zappa, from the late sixties started celebrating Halloween with dedicated concerts that became annuals from 1972 and that from 1974 found their location in New York City. The 6 concerts of 1977 became legendary, they were obviously recorded and filmed, forming the basis of the movie-monster Baby Snake . On the occasion of the 40th anniversary, La Zappa Records has brought them together in a luxurious box, equipped with a mask and costume, which however presents the strange choice of containing the audio on a USB stick (horror!). (read more)
Source: Fulvio Fiore
2018 March
Vol. 38 No. 409
Zappit! Percorsi
Zappiani in Italia tra musica e fumetto Muscles Edizioni Underground
By Andrea Trevaini, 1 p
Frank Zappa
"The Roxy Performances"
By ?, p 10
Automatic translation: To tell the uniqueness of Frank Zappa's concerts collected in The Roxy Performances , we host the memory of a boy who over the years would first become the guitarist of an extraordinary rock'n'roll band and then one of the most important American songwriters, with a lot of Grammys on the wall. Yes, it seems strange to see in Dave Alvin a big fan of Frank Zappa, given the generational, stylistic and existential differences, but the common ground is not only that of South California. (read more)
Source: Fulvio Fiore
2019 April
Vol. 39 No. 421
Frank Zappa: Zappa In New York
By Junior Bonner, p5
Frank Zappa: Zappa In New York 40th Anniversary Edition
By Andrea Trevaini, pp 80-81
2019 September
Vol. 39 No. 425
Frank Zappa: Orchestral Favourites
40th Anniversary Deluxe Edition
By Andrea Trevaini, p 101