Ciao 2001  (years 1980-2024)


The weekly Ciao 2001 (Hello 2001) was founded in January 1969 as a successor to the music magazine Ciao Big. The main run of the magazine lasted until January 1994, 1202 issues in total. After a break the 2nd run of the magazine was issued monthly from February to December 1999. In 2000 five issues more were printed as Ci@o. In December 2023 it restarted from the tenacity of long-standing collaborators and the support of Sprea Editori, as a bimonthly publication.

years 1969-1979 see Ciao 2001

1980 February 17

Vol. 12 No. 7

Frank Zappa "Joe's Garage I, II, III"
By Manuel Insolera, 1 p

 Automatic translation: With the recent double "Sheik Yerbouti", Zappa, having changed record company, had resumed the lines of the not forgotten "Live: New York", to offer us one of his most significant and vital works for many years now. (read more)

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1980 February 24

Vol. 12 No. 8

L'America ha una voce
By Sandro Giustibelli, pp 65-67

Automatic translation: Frank Zappa. Everything has been said about him because everything invests him, because he can be the focus of any discourse, because he confronts everything with everything. Frank with a hundred faces, a thousand expressions. (read more)

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1980 August 31

Vol. 12 No. 35

Dossier: Genial-mente rock
By Manuel Insolera, pp 22-25


Source: Fulvio Fiore

1981 February 15

Vol. 13 No. 7

40 anni di Zappa
Genio & sregolatezza
By Aldo Bagli, pp 33, 36-37

 Centerfold poster and 3-page article "Genial and unruly".

1981 July 19

Vol. 13 No. 31

Zip Zap
By Maurizio Baiata, pp 61-63
Fuoci d'artificio
By Maria Laura G. Giulietti, p 63

"Zip Zap" - Zappa's press conference before the "Varèse Tribute" concert on 17 April 1981.
"Fuoci 'dartificio" - Tinsel Town Rebellion review

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1981 August 2

Vol. 13 No. 31

Frank Zappa "Tinsel Town Rebellion"
By Manuel Insolera, pp 62-63

Automatic translation: Since Frank Zappa changed record company, his already enormous creative vitality in itself seems to have miraculously increased tenfold: so much so that he cannot express himself if the record is not at least double ("Sheik Yerbouti") or even triple (the three acts of "Joe's Garage"). And here is in fact a new double album, this time recorded live. (read more)

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1981 August 21

Vol. 13 No. 32

Frank Zappa "The Man From Utopia"
By Manuel Insolera, pp 44-45

Automatic translation: Frank Zappa's relentless production of double and single albums continues seamlessly. And by now, it's really starting to be a bit difficult to talk about his productions. The truth is that, after the exploits of the three parts of "Joe's garage" (which must be considered the last really creative and "moving" production by Zappa), all the following albums have been the constant, obsessive repetition of a standard : with moments of genius and it could not be otherwise but essentially, a standard. (read more)

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1981 November 15

Vol. 13 No. 46

Nel segno di Zappa
By Maria Laura G. Giulietti, pp 44-45

Automatic translation: It is no coincidence that Frank Zappa, born as Francis Vincent Zappa on December 21, 1940 in Baltimore, twenty years on the music scene, began his new album, published at the end of 1981, with a song entitled: « Teenage wind », the teenager's wind. And the problem of the "old" giants is always the same: accustomed for a decade (or often two) to take refuge in the world of rock'n'roll, of ruthlessness, of the elixir of life, they see the number of their years grow without them actually noticing. (read more)

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1981 December 6

Vol. 13 No. 49

Frank Zappa - You Are What You Is
By Francesco De Vitis, p 56

Automatic translation: The mad genius continues to strike. On repeat. Without fear of denials, he churns out double, triple, miserable (only in appearance) albums, collections of songs on a single circle of vinyl, bursts of music, tons of escaped notes, for some arcane mystery of speed, from the strings of his guitar and now in around the world, eagerly awaited by fans who certainly can't afford the luxury of being impatient. (read more)

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1982 January 10

Vol. 14 No. 1

Some readers' letters on Zappa.

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1982 January 17

Vol. 14 No. 2

 Cartoon by Massimo Cavezzali. PS. From Milan to Varese is about 56 km.

Text: Penso di venire presto in Italia. Mi piacerebbe conoscere Milano. Un musicista che mi dicono molto vicino a Varese!

Automatic translation: I plan to come to Italy soon. I would like to know Milan. A musician that they tell me is very close to Varese!

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1982 March 30

Vol. 14 No. 11

 Short news on Zappa.

Automatic translation: Zappa abandons rock? Frank Zappa would have decided to leave rock, at least as far as concerts are concerned. He will perform perhaps a couple of more times in America, but never again in Europe, judging by an interview recently released, if not in his new role, that of a classical music performer, in particular as a composer for ballets. The Californian musician has worked in recent weeks with the London Symphony Orchestra for a disc recorded with the digital technique.

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1982 May 9

Vol. 14 No. 19

 Short news on Zappa.

Automatic translation: Zappa in Italy. Frank Zappa's Italian tour was confirmed for the first week of July. Milan, Bologna and Rome are the first concert venues set, but Naples and Palermo could also be part of the tour: the Californian guitarist, of Sicilian origins, would like to include southern Italy in the course of his new visit. The release of yet another Zappa LP is also scheduled for the end of June, entitled "Ship arriving too late to save a drowning witch".

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1982 May 30

Vol. 14 No. 21

Frank Zappa il genio e la chitarra
By Manuela Insolera, pp 82-83

Automatic translation: The prolificity that has always distinguished Frank Zappa from all other rock'n'rollers continues to give wonderful fruits: such as the very recent triple album entitled Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar which has as the sole interpreter the solid and genius guitar of frankie ... (read more)

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1982 July 4

Vol. 14 No. 27

Full-page Zappa Italian tour ad.

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1982 August 1

Vol. 14 No. 31

L'irrefrenabile sregolatezza di Frank Zappa
(The irrepressible recklessness of Frank Zappa)
By Federico Ballanti, pp 10-12
Il concerto
By Maria Laura Giulietti, p 13

Automatic translation: Frank Zappa's short stay in Italy, a flash visit to meet the press, collect an award from the organizer of his Italian tour and record the speech you saw on TV. (read more)

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1982 September 19

Vol. 14 No. 38

Zappa accusa tre morti a Palermo
By ?, p 19

Announcing to the American press his intention never again to come and play in Europe, where he recently stayed for three months, Frank Zappa apparently said about the Palermo concert, " I think three people were killed during the show. We were playing in a soccer stadium when for some unknown reason the policemen started throwing tear gas into the crowd. From what I could see from the stage, some boys were knocked down by the police shots. I did not learn anything about their deaths until after the concert." As is known, during Zappa's concert in " his " Sicily there were only minor incidents and there were obviously no casualties. In addition to these gratuitous remarks, the guitarist said that traveling and playing in Europe costs too much: and this is the main reason why he will not return, along with a widespread anti-American sentiment that he seems to have picked up among the audience. Zappa is now about to release a film and a new LP, on which his 12-year-old son Dweezil collaborated; while on " Valley girl " his 14-year-old daughter Moon had collaborated.

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1982 October 17

Vol. 14 No. 42

Picture of FZ and Jean-Luc Ponty on page 2.

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1983 July 3

Vol. 15 No. 26

L'irrefenerabile Frank Zappa
By Maria Laura G. Giulietti, pp 26-28

The Man From Utopia album review.

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1983 November 13

Vol. 15 No. 45

L'orchestra digitale di Zappa

Automatic translation: Frank Zappa is preparing an album that will contain his orchestral compositions written between 1968 and '79 and recently performed together with the London Symphony Orchestra. The most interesting aspect of the job, which will simply be called «Zappa. volume one ", and which will be in stores soon enough for Barking Pumpkin, is the recording: not only entirely digital, but made by Frank himself who has recently purchased for his home studio in California also a very expensive digital console to complete all in his own work.

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1984 April 22

Vol. 16 No. 16

Stelle & stars
By Gabriele Ducros, p 2

Automatic translation: We spent several hours observing his birth chart before managing to synthesize that mountain of facets that make this cursed genius, elusive and fascinating at the same time. (read more)

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1984 September 6

Vol. 16 No. 37

Venti dollari per Zappa
By William Donati, pp 9-10

Automatic translation: The Palace - Los Angeles' new rock entertainment center - hosted Frank Zappa last night who immediately declared at the beginning that his show contained more fun (reasons of interest and entertainment) than all the Olympics combined. (read more)

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1984 October 14

Vol. 16 No. 41

Sono Zappa e me ne vanto!
By Maria Laura Giulietti, pp 12-15
By ?, pp 41, 44

Centerfold poster, 4-page article "I'm proud of Zappa" and 2-page photo-story.

1984 October 28

Vol. 16 No. 43

Zappa in Italia. Il moschettiere e'tornato.
By Carlo Silvestro, pp 27-30

Interview with Zappa vising Italy, titled "The musketeer is back".

Source: Václav Pěnkava

1984 November 11

Vol. 16 No. 45

Frank Zappa "Them Or Us"
By Manuel Insolera, p 48

Automatic translation: Coupling the proverbial genius with an incredible prolificacy (on average one album a year, and often double, if not even triple), Frank Zappa, for at least a few years now, gives the impression of continuing to always redo and delve deeper into the same, very long album. (read more)

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1984 December 16

Vol. 16 No. 50

Retroscena Zappiani
1 p

Legendary adventures of Robert Hyams and Zappa's reaction.


Source: Fulvio Fiore

1985 April 5

Vol. 17 No. 14

Jean Luc Ponty. With A Little Help ...
By Francesco De Vitis, pp 23-25

p 3 p 23 pp 24-25

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1985 November 29

Vol. 17 No. 48

Porno rock all'indice
By Giampiero Cara, pp 32-33

p 3 pp 32-33

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1986 February 7

Vol. 18 No. 5

Cards, LP of the week. Frank Zappa Meets The Mothers Of Prevention
By Giampiero Cara, 2 p

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1986 April 11

Vol. 18 No. 14

Tra demonio e santità (Between devil and holyness)
By Vincent Messina, pp 55-57

Automatic translation: At 45 years old, Zappa attacks again. The target of his caustic broadsides this time are American mothers, not all of them, of course, only those who have gathered in a very strange association called Moral Majority that aims to moralize the contents of rock music, through the institution of a censorship body that should monitor what young Americans listen to. (read more)

p 5 p 55 pp 56-57

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1986 September 26

Vol. 18 No. 38

Cards, rock archive. Frank Zappa
By ?, 2 pp

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1986 December 12

Vol. 18 No. 49

By ?, 1 p

Automatic translation: Frank Zappa dominates TV. A TV series hosted by the artist himself will soon begin, with an eight-hour duration per episode! Two of Zappa's children are already commentators on MTV and his son Dweezil has joined the "Miami Vice" family. The shows will feature political commentary, satire, gags and lots of music. On the recording front, Zappa has decided to release ten of his best works ("Lumpy Gravy", "We're Only In It For The Money", and "Gran Wazoo", etc.) on compact disc; within the next three years he intends to convert almost all of his immense repertoire into compact disc.

p 3

Source: Fulvio Fiore

1990 July 3

Vol. 22 No. 26 (1078)

By Jacopo Benci and Paolo Battigelli, pp 12-17

Article titled "Twenty-five years of rock and transgressions".

Source: slime.oofytv.set

2024 January/February

No. 1

This first issue after a long break doesn't have a separate article about Zappa, but you can still find some photos.